The upgrade work begins
The SLHC-PP comprises coordinating, support and technical activities. The coordinating activities are arguably most important at the moment and will play a central role as plans are drawn up for the new accelerator- and detector-upgrade collaborations. They will help put in place project structures and collaboration management tools. Ultimately, the aim is for agreement on work-sharing and funding for the implementation phase.
The activities are divided into a number of projects, or work packages. There are eight such work packages, including one to co-ordinate the activities of the remaining seven.
Proton injection: the sLHC
If the main LHC ring is to carry more protons then the injector system will need a major overhaul
Improving the CMS detector
CMS, the heaviest particle detector ever constructed, will lose some weight in the luminosity upgrade
Upgrading the ATLAS detector
ATLAS will have to undergo a major overhaul as it is prepared for use in the LHC upgrade
Radiation and safety
Increasing by ten the number of particle collisions in the LHC brings its own problems
Magnets for an intense beam
Natural wear and tear means the LHC magnets will soon need replacing - new and better magnets will be used
The LHC toboggan run
The Superconducting Proton Linac will rapidly accelerate the subatomic particles on their way towards the main ring.
Powering the new components
The detectors will need more power to monitor ten times as many collisions, but there's no extra space to work with